Invisible Out is a collaboration between #notablelocalexperimentalists  Xuan YeJason Doell.

The dissonance & abstract beauty present in their individual works balance on the edge of genre eclecticism that both artists pull together — often disconnected, but not dissimilar universes.

Various sound performance approaches are reconfigured in their work, often including found recordings, prepared instruments, self-developed software and electronics, mediated social media signals, and amplified human voices and objects – all of which are assembled into signaletic paths that re-encode the transmission of signs, messages and narrative.

Invisible Out has performed and showcased at Strangewaves Presents, Intersection Festival at Dundas Square, Tone Fest in partnership with Music Gallery’s departure series, Dialogue/Duration Performance Art Festival at Katzman Contemporary, Times Museum in China, Downtown Music Gallery in New York City.


Bringing back some of the guitar noise and rock-star moves that they explored in their proto-Invisible Out phase, Xuan Ye and Jason Doell brought some conceptual art-rock to the square, though this time ’round the execution was a bit more practised and thought-through in its attempt to deconstruct itself.

Changing their sound and setup to suit their environment, Xuan Ye and Jason Doell brought less electroacoustic bricabrac this time around, depending more on laptops and social media feed-loops. Hewing to the mellower side of things, the mantra for this set was “no peaks” — a fitting start to a night of drone-drift.

I’ve seen Xuan Ye and Jason Doell doing plenty of things in their own projects, but this collaborative set pushed some of their individual quirks and tricks into a different zone. Call it “ring pop pop”, with all sorts of apps, found sounds and found objects being deconstructed and rewired into their sound-field.

Xuan Ye (a.k.a APA) has brought a different sort of noise — from howling piano to erhu skronking — every time I’ve seen her perform, but I was surprised once again when for this set she pivoted to full-on “rock star”, channelling her inner PJ Harvey on a cover of “To Bring You My Love”. She was backed for this mini-set by Jason Doell — recently seen as a composer or noise-maker — making a rare atavistic throwback appearance to his rock’n’roll days.

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